Sexiest pictures of Rena Ueda. Reina Ueda is a Japanese singer and voice actress. She is best known for her role as Naru Sekiya in the anime series Hanayamata. She has also done roles like Mira Yurisaki in Dimension W, Hane Sakura in Bakuon!!, Mallow in Pokémon: Sun & Moon, Shiori Shinomiya in Sakura Quest, and Akane Shinjō in SSSS.Gridman.
The voice actress won the Best New Actress Award in the 9th Seiyu Awards in 2015. She has also released an album in 2016 and her first single in 2018. Ueda was born on January 17, 1994, Toyama Prefecture. She became interested in performing at a very young age. She even joined school dramas and theatrical plays to aid her passion for acting.

Ueda became interested in voice acting after she met a person who wants to pursue that career. She auditioned for a voice acting competition called Second Class Grand Prix while being at school. Ueda went on to win the competition and joined the agency 81 Produce, who organized the competition.

Her debut role was in an anime series Inazuma Eleven: Chrono Stone. Later, she became a part of the voice actor unit, Anisoni∀, along with three other voice actors like Rie Takahashi, Chiyeri Hayashida, and Kayoko Tsumita. In 2013, Ueda voiced eighteen sisters in an anime series called Tesagure! Bukatsu-mono.
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In 2014, Ueda got her first significant role as Naru Sekiya in Hanayamata. In that series, she performed the opening theme – “Hana wa Odoreya Iroha ni Ho” – along with her co-stars.
She was also cast as Meika Katai in Mikagura School Suite, Mikan Akemi in My Monster Secret, and Elena Arshavina in World Break: Aria of Curse for a Holy Swordsman in 2015. Ueda played the character of Hane Sakura on the anime series Bakuon!!. She also performed the ending theme – “Buon! Buon! Ride On!!” – along with her co-stars.
Apart from that, Ueda has also played Lily Shirogane in Aikatsu Stars!, Mira Yurizaki in Dimension W, Sophie Noelle in Kuromukuro, and Mallow in Pokémon: Sun & Moon. Ueda has also portrayed Hiromi Maiharu in Minami Kamakura High School Girls Cycling Club and Shiori Shinomiya in Sakura Quest.
She also played Arthur Pendragon in Märchen Mädchen and Akane Shinjō in SSSS.Gridman. Her other credits include Miyako Hoshino in Wataten!: An Angel Flew Down to Me and Gray in The Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note. It is still unknown if the voice actress is single or in a relationship.