10 Best Female Characters From Mortal Kombat Movies & Games.

4) Sareena

She made her debut in PlayStation 1 Mortal Kombat Spin-off, Sub-Zero Mythologies, which is one the finest adventure games on the Playstation 1. Sareena is a demon, and she has two physical forms, one is human, and the other one is a deadly beast! She has been very close to Sub-Zero as they have fought together to beat Quan-Chi, who had brain-washed Sareena to make her a guard/slave. Sareena has a distinct white strip of hair similar to Rogue from X-Men, and she is also one of most attractive characters in the Mortal Kombat Saga. Her fighting moves in the game are not like Shokans or the Edenians, She has duplicated the moves of Quan-Chi, and some of her fatalities also reveal her deadly demon form! She was the part of the Mortal Kombat X character roster as well. 

Sareena Mortal Kombat Film

3) Kitana

Kitana has always been in the middle of the “Mortal Kombat” chaos whirlpool. She is known for her extremely skimpy ninja outfit with her signature glaive throwing blades. She used to be a princess of the Edenia, later Shao Kahn invaded her realm and killed his father. Kitana was a child when Shao Kahn abducted her and her mother, Sindel. Once they reached Outworld, Shao Kahn brain-washed both of them and injected fake memories of them being part of Shao Kahn’s demonic family. However, later Kitana found out the truth and has always helped the light side warriors to bring peace in all the realms. However, in the latest instalment of Mortal Kombat, she was depicted to be an evil princess possessed by demonic forces. In the first Mortal Kombat movie, Kitana’s character was portrayed by the excellent Talisa Soto, and the movie did pretty well on the box-office for a film that was made on a shoe-string budget. Kitana has always been a great character to play in the games, if one can master in mixing her long kicks and throwing blades, even a character like Shao Kahn can be easily defeated with “Flawless Victory.”

Kitana Mortal Kombat Movie

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