Leaked Cameos In Rogue One!


The new Star Wars: Rogue One is taking us back to the Star Wars Universe we once knew, the time period of the original trilogy.

So what will this mean as far as the question of “Who will we be seeing in Star Wars: Rogue One?”

The big question has been which characters will we be seeing from the first films? Princess Leia, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker? Will they have Cameos in the film?

Gareth Edwards the director of Rogue One has been making the “pre-movie interview sessions” and has had quite allot to say. And it seems that he may have let a few things slip in his latest interview. So we will say this to you now, “SPOILER ALERT”  some of the things we will be revealing from Gareth Edwards interview may or may not lead to a spoiler. so STOP reading if you do not want to know! 

Appearing on the French language channel TMC, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story director Gareth Edwards was asked a series of questions about things that we might see in the upcoming film. And it looks like he may have “Spilled the beans” on a few Cameos of our favorite Star Wars characters we may be seeing in the movie. Here is the Q&A

gareth-edwards-interview Source: Cinema Blend

He gave us very specific answers to the first questions, so when he eludes the last two it almost sounds like an admission. Luke Skywalker will now be there, but he doesn’t want to ruin the movie when asked about R2-D2 ans Princess Leia he answered with “I don’t want to ruin it”

It may be possible the halfway through the interview Gareth Edwards realizes he needs to stop giving specific answers and he changed his responses accordingly. But we are thinking it is more likely that we will see Leia and the classic Star Wars Universe droids. This may all be speculation or an elaborate Red Herring by Lucasfilm.

If it is true though it is very possible that we will be seeing Leia and R2 at the tail end of the Rogue One movie as it will be ending right around the time the plans get passed onto Princess Leia and she hides them within R2.

So can we say that a cameo by Princess Leia and R2 is confirmed? Not officially, but it sounds like it is very likely! Let us know what you think in the comments.

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