Jesse Eisenberg Never Played “Lex Luthor”, Wait What?


There is a very common belief that Jesse Eisenberg was a “bad” Lex Luthor. There are reasons behind this theory.

The logical reason is that audiences thought he was annoying and just too overly energetic for the dark tone that the movie has set. He had broken the character for fans.

Another reason why audiences did not like Eisenberg as LexLuthor is because he did not look or act like the character, from the comic books that people had grown up with.

Yes, there are people who have not even seen the movie and are just jumping on the hate-wagon. We can ignore them. But there are people who don’t read comic books and did not pay attention to the movie or the news before the movie came out.

In 2015, we learned that Jesse Eisenberg was not playing LexLuthor and instead, he was playing LexLuthor Jr., the son of LexLuthor who created LexCorp.

In the movie, he talks about his father and how he created LexCorp. That is the origin story for Comic Book LexLuthor after removing the Germany part. You see how people missed that Jesse Eisenberg said that his father created LexCorp.

Jesse Eisenberg was not even supposed to be the cruel LexLuthor from the comic books. He was to play the role of a modern billionaire like his famous portrayal of Mark Zuckerberg.

If you think about it, Eisenberg did a good job in playing the role that he was given, even if the role was not the best.

So now, can we all remember that Jesse Eisenberg was LexLuthor Jr., not LexLuthor.

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