Fans Have Been Begging for An Avengers: Infinity War Trailer And The Directors Have A Perfect Response


Fans can get very riled up over a trailer for a superhero movie, but no trailer has been demanded like the one for Avengers: Infinity War. Since the first footage had premiered at D23 this summer, fans have been begging Marvel to post the same online. For many reasons, Marvel and Disney are holding back this release and the movie’s directors, T Russo Brothers have something to say about the constant demand from fans.

You would be hard-pressed to find comments on the Russo Brothers social media pages without anyone write “RELEASE THE TRAILER!”.  The directors have nothing to do with the trailer release and get annoyed after a while with many messages about this very subject. Joe and Anthony Russo had posted a video on Instagram, telling fans that they just have to be patient. The video is a wine commercial with Orson Welles, where he tells people that you cannot rush the making of good wine/superhero blockbuster.

“Somethings can’t be rushed,” says Orson Welles, the mind behind Citizen Kane, “Paul Masson wines taste so good because they are made with such care.”

 What Paul Masson had said a century ago is true today for the process of producing blockbusters.

So, pump the brakes and wait for the Infinity War trailer. Aside from the marketing factors, the answer as to why this trailer is being held back may be just because it is not ready yet. The footage that had premiered at D23 was unfinished and had been made for a crowd environment in which people would cheer if Kevin Feige threw t-shirts at them.

To be shared with the public, may need much more time to finish the visual effects. It is possible that the trailer was held until after the release of Thor: Ragnarok, to avoid spoilers for the movie.

We cannot blame anyone for being excited for Avengers: Infinity War. It is the biggest superhero movie that has been ever made, and stars almost every major character in MCU and even the minor ones. The movie will follow the Avengers as they team up with the Guardians of Galaxy and try to stop Thanos and the Black Order from stealing the Infinity Stones.

We do not know when the trailer is landing, but we know when you can see the movie: May 4, 2018.

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