Did The New ‘Justice League’ Trailer Just Copy ‘Superman: The Movie’?


Justice League’s latest trailer has lots for fans to be excited about, but there is one scene that is on everyone’s minds.

Fans got a look at Superman in the trailer’s opening scene when he’s he is shown talking to Lois in the field outside of Kent household. While the scene is significant, some have noticed a parallel to a classic film, Superman: The Movie.

The first indication was Clark’s wardrobe with the red plaid shirt that resembles the jacket worn by young Clark (Jeff East) in a sequence Superman.

In both the scenes- Superman’s Ma Kent and Justice League’s Lois, they both notice the hero’s return from the porch of Kent house. They find Clark in a corn field.

In Superman, which you can watch here, Ma Kent accepts that Clark needs to discover his identity. In Justice League’s case, we just get a small snippet of Clark and Lois’ conversation and with them talking about the engagement. It is safe to assume that the modern version may be doing a soul-searching as well. It is not out of the question that Clark and Lois’ full conversation may have a further parallel to the Superman scene.

Fans won’t have to wait too much longer to find out, as Justice League releases in theaters on November 17, 2017.

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