Black Widow Solo Movie Will Be A Comedy Movie


TaikaWaititi will soon become Hollywood’s most sought-after directors.

With Thor: Ragnarok primed to stir up a storm at the international box office, the filmmaker is in the midst of press for the spacefaring romp, which has cemented its status as the best-reviewed movies of 2017.

Chatting to io9 about Ragnarok, Waititi had revealed the pitch for a Black Widow solo movie and it is a little unusual. Ask any Marvel fan to conjure up an image of Natasha Romanoff’s standalone adventure, and they will come to the conclusion that Marvel’s female-led spinoff must take the form of a dark prequel. One that must explore Natasha’s career in the KGB before she was recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D.

After injecting a dose of fun into Asgard, TaikaWaititi wants to subvert the expectations and deliver Black Widow comedy movie.

The director has expressed an interest in collaborating with Marvel again but if the stars aligned and Waititi was placed in control of this spinoff, he would uncover the “funny version” of Miss. Romanoff’s backstory.

“In all honesty, I reckon I could probably bring something pretty unique to any of the franchises. So, I’d love to see Black Widow. [I’d like to see] Black Widow as something crazy and a bit funnier than we expect it to be. Because we know her story and it’s very sullen and very dark and her history is very dark. But! What’s the funny version of that? What’s the more entertaining version of that?”

It is a little out there and though Marvel’s roster of directors enjoy a good amount of creative agency we imagine the wacky pitch is too much for MCU. This is what the director shared about rooting for the underdog:

“I really go for the underdog. [And] I think there’s a way in with any of the characters. You just have to find it and find what honors what’s already there with the source material but also brings it into a more entertaining form for the audience.”

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