Hottest pictures of Ayça Çagla Altunkaya. Ayça Çagla Altunkaya is popular among people and grabs a lot of the paparazzi’s attention as she has been dating famous successful TV personality Acun Ilicali. They haven’t shared their personal life on any of their social media handles. They have been keeping their private life away from media outlets.
Ayca was born in the year 1999 in Yalova and is just 21 years old. She pursued her graduation in Nursing. Some days back, she was seen in Dominican Republic where the TV show Survivor was being filmed. Ayca is very beautiful with amazing blonde hair. She is seen sharing amazing selfies which really makes her gorgeous.

On Instagram, she has more than 19.2 thousand followers. Recently, Acun Ilicali became the new owner of New Hull City and together with Ayca was seen standing during the Sky Bet Championship match which took place at MKM stadium located in Kingston.

Ayca loves to work out and has maintained her figure very well by following a rigorous fitness routine on regular basis. Ayca also has her own youtube channel with 20 subscribers but even at the moment, she has not uploaded any videos yet.