Sexiest pictures of Android 18. Her real name is Lazuli. Dr. Gero created Android 18, and she is the twin sister of Android 17. The character was intended to help Gero’s vendetta against Goku. Gradually, Android 18 became a member of the Z Fighters. She is the wife of Krillin, and her daughter is Marron.
She is a slim, curvy, and beautiful woman with moderate height and a fair complexion. Android 18 has shoulder-length hair that is either silver or blonde. In the Androids Saga, Android 8 was the first active by Dr. Gero. There, she wore a skirt with a dark blue shirt and a blue denim vest.

In her appearance, Android 18 also added opaque blue tights, brown boots, a brown belt, and a black shirt. But later, when all androids reached Goku’s house, Android 18 wore a black mini vest with a golden triangle pin.

After her marriage to Krillin, she wore a pale blue buttoned-up denim vest, red hoop earrings, white jeans, and a red bracelet on her left hand. In Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods, Android 18’s outfit had some changes. Her black shirt had been changed into dark indigo with black and white stripe sleeves being recolored to purple.
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Again in Dragon Ball z: Resurrection ‘F,’ she wore no longer a pearl necklace with her shirt’s cuffs. At the end of Dragon Ball Z, Android 18 cut her hair shorter. She wore a red sleeveless shirt, pale gold hoop earrings, and yellow business pants.
She is usually a calm and confident character, especially in battle. By the time of Dragon Ball Super, Android 18 had grown to have compassionate and kinder. She and Krilin began their relationship as an unspoken mutual attraction. In Dragon Ball FighterZ, Android 18 got very emotional when Android 21 ordered to fight with Krillin.
The character has been appeared in several films, including Super Android 13, Bio-Broly. Resurrection ‘F,’ Dragon Ball SD, Dragon Ball Fusions, etc.