8 Star Wars Movies That Were Nearly Made

3. Episodes VII, VIII, and IX made by George Lucas

Lucas had an alternate plan in case A New Hope didn’t succeed. However, he generally didn’t think it would come up short. We can get this from a fact that Mark Hamill stated while shooting for the film in 1976. He said that Lucas had revealed his plans for a sprawling 12-part series of films and that A New Hope wasn’t the initial film but the fourth. Hamill inquired as to why he was beginning with the middle films, to which Lucas answered, “It’s the most commercial section of movie.” Lucas then inquired as to whether Hamill would want to be a part of “Episode IX,” which he said would begin shooting in 2011. Hamill shied away after realising that he’d be far older by then. However, Lucas let him know it would be “a cameo” and that he would resemble Obi-Wan handing over the lightsaber down to the next new hope.


4. Revenge of the Jedi

After directing Star Wars himself, George Lucas backed out of the everyday directorial obligations on The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. They were handed over to Irving Kirshner and Richard Marquand respectively. Nevertheless, before he had them under his wings, he met with movie producers known for having an extremely individual style. Envision this: the third Star Wars film directed by a youthful David Cronenberg, the man behind classics like Scanners, Videodrome, The Fly, and Dead Ringers. Cronenberg said he was given a phone call to direct the movie. This was when the film still had the working title of Revenge of the Jedi. The call was made by a producer who had asked him what he thought of doing Star Wars. David replied that he normally didn’t do other individuals’ material.’ After that, there was a sort of snap and the phone hung up.
Lucas then went ahead to approach the Eraserhead director David Lynch. Lynch had his agent decidedly turn down the film subsequent to being put off by the concept art of furry animals, spending an evening going to a salad restaurant with Lucas and being driven around in his Ferrari. Lucas had a ton of eventually rejected ideas regarding how Revenge of the Jedi ought to go down, including making the Ewoks tremendous lizard creatures rather than being adorable and cuddly.

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