3. New Planet Called Jedha
Rogue One will include a new location in Star Wars legend: Jedha. It is the desert moon highlighted all through the trailer. As Gareth Edwards, the director has stated that if you have confidence in the Jedi and in the Force, it feels like Jedha is some place you ought to visit in your lifetime. Think of it as a sort of holy land for Jedi and the Force-sensitive. Donnie Yen plays Chirrut Îmwe, the blind warrior and Jedha native highlighted in the trailer. Furthermore, he revealed that it’s the place they have resources to assemble and make lightsabers. That asset could in all likelihood be the acclaimed Kyber precious stones from Star Wars legend, which being the main component of a lightsaber. In addition to this, they are reputed to be the hotspot for some super-weapons all through the historical backdrop of the Star Wars universe. Is the Empire on Jedha because they’re searching for Kyber precious stones?
Those mammoth walkers you see stepping everywhere throughout the beach are not the classic AT-AT walkers you know and love from Empire Strikes Back. Look closely and you’ll notice what looks like substantial orange shipping boxes packed into their tummies. Since Rogue One spins around the development of the primary Death Star, it shouldn’t astonish you to discover that the Empire utilized these mechanical behemoths to transport building materials for vast development ventures. Thus their name: All-Terrain Armoured Cargo Transport, or AT-ACT.