7 Weirdest Star Wars Merchandise Ever!


When we think Star Wars we think awesome merchandise! Star wars was one of the first franchises to make millions upon millions selling cool stuff!

Especially toys, I myself remember having so many Star Wars toys as a child! If only I would have kept them all… I would probably have amassed a small fortune.

In the beginning of the Star Wars Era it was mostly toys and a few cool types of merchandise that the Lucasfilm Corporation sold. But now as time has passed there are so many other cool and amazing Star Wars things to collect and find that it actually boggles my mind! This stuff is truly awesome!

From the original Lucasfilm toys to pirated  gems that are made on the black market.. All the way to stuff for your bathroom and kitchen! They have the market cornered.

And we are going to show you some of the coolest and WEIRDEST STAR WARS STUFF that we could find on the internet… We invite you to join in this discussion and send us in some of your stuff. Well, pics that is of your stuff. Unless you are willing to part with your Star Wars merchandise, than by all means send it in! Just kidding …

1. Its a Crap Toilet

Its a crap toilet

2. Jar Jar Candy


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