7 Powerful Weapons That Thor Has Weilded


Since Asgardians have fought many enemies, there are many weapons that they have had made that have helped them defeat the foes. Thor is no exception to this and has fought many powerful characters in comics. Here are 7 most powerful weapons he had used:

1. Odinsword

Mjolnir is the most famous Asgardian weapons, but Odinsword is the most powerful. It first appeared in “Journey Into Mystery” #117 and it is believed that if it were taken out, it means the end of the world. After the curse was removed, it was given to Thor to defeat CulBorson.

2. Mjolnir

In ‘Journey into Mystery’ issue #83, Mjolnir made its first appearance, The main weapon of Thor was to be named, Uru hammer, but then editors thought its name should be Thor, which is also the name of Thor’s hammer in the Norse mythology.

3. Bloodaxe

The blood-hungry axe was the weapon of Skruge and had powers that made him get many feats. But when he had died using this axe, it made its way to Earth where Jackie Lukus, a friend of Eric Masterson finds it. Thor then uses it in a battle and destroys it.


4. Jarnbjorn

Jarnbjorn is known as “Wrecker of Worlds” and was the ax that Thor used when he was youn. He enhanced its powers by blessing it with his blood. It was used it to kill a Celestial. The axe was so powerful that Malekith used it to cut off Thor’s arm.

5. Uru Destroyer Arm:

After his axe turned against him when Malekith used it to cut off his arm, Odin called upon  Dwarves of Nidavellir and forged a new arm for Thor. The arm can amplify Thor’s powers and can block mighty blows of Mjolnir.

6. Megingjord:

Megingjord is an item that is taken from the Norse mythology. It gives Thor strength that is greater than his own. The belt is worn by Roger “Red” who is a human and was given to him by Odin.

7. Thor’s giant Goats- Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder:

These are not technically weapons but a mode of transportation that Thor uses. The goats are characters taken from the Norse mythology. The hooves and horns are powerful and chipped off silver from the uru metal of Mjolnir and became Frogjolnir.

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