5 Facts about Galen Malek aka Starkiller: Vader’s Secret Apprentice

5. Betrayal and Rebellion

Vader declares that the time has come for them to execute their plan to overthrow the Emperor. Starkiller was elated that the time has come for him to fulfil the sole purpose of his life. However, he was betrayed by Vader and he had his bones broken, and was thrown into the vacuum of Space. Vader claims that Sidious ‘ spies had discovered the existence of the secret apprenticeship and that he had to betray to prove his loyalty to the Emperor. However, the betrayal was just a ruse to that Starkiller can escape.

Later, Vader searched for and recovered Starkiller’s severely injured body and revived him. The original plan of coup was still on and he commanded his apprentice to form an army of dissidents to distract the Emperor so that they could together carry out the coup. Following the order, Starkiller went about business with brutal assaults on Imperial targets. Along the way, he found allies in the likes of the wounded and now drunkard Rham Kota, Bail Organa, and young Leia Organa. Rham Kota was especially helpful to him by acting as a master to Starkiller. This helped him to relax his mind, thus, finally unlocking his ability to sense the future.
Tragically for Starkiller, Vader betrayed him once again and this time for real. He abandoned his apprentice who loyalty to him is unwavering, who has no one else apart from him. Vader stormed the rebels meeting on Corellia. He captured the leaders and Master Kota, thus, enraging Starkiller who led an all-out assault on the Death Star alone.
By this time, Starkiller had become extremely powerful. He fought his way to the Emperors chambers. Along the way, he encountered Vader and he destroyed his master’s helmet and threw him at the Emperors feet. Realizing what was going on, Emperor Sidious offered Starkiller a legitimate apprenticeship if he killed Vader. Then, Kota’s suddenly launched an attack on the Emperor. Starkiller went to his aid in battling the Emperor but had to pay the ultimate price of his own life so that the new allies could escape. He sacrifice made him a very powerful symbol to the new alliance. He continues to live in the memory of the rebellion. As a tribute to his sacrifice and valour, the rebellion turned the Marek Crest into the rebel insignia.

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