The whole Comic book industry has gone through metamorphosis countless times since its inception causing several changes in the mainstream characters. The golden age, silver again, bronze age and the modern age of comics vaguely describe the drastic variations in the looks of the characters in the wake of ever-changing societal norms and emotional states of the readers. One such example is the look of Batman and Joker which changed profoundly in the 1980s; they got more dark, gloomy and grim as the writers started to focus more on their personal and emotional struggles than the usual beat’em up result oriented plots. The Batman became a lot darker, and Joker became purely psychotic “Who just wants to see the world burn”. The psychological shift in the characters reflected in their costume designs and personalities. These emotional changes were made to make comic books more relatable to the contemporary world’s socio-economic and political state. Here are the drastic changes in the looks of your favorite comic book characters:-
1. Joker
2. Wonder Woman
3. Hulk
4. Robocop
5. Thor
6. Catwoman
7. Ironman
8. Power Rangers
9. Captain America
10. Batman
11. Wolverine
12. Superwoman
13. Spider-man
14. Flash