12 Fascinating Sodas/Pops of 1980s, 1990s, and Early 2000s That Are Extinct Now!

8. Lifesavers (1995)

Amid the mid-’90s, fruit seasoned refreshments, for example, Fruitopia were extremely popular. Life Savers attempted to bounce on that temporary fad by presenting a line of non-carbonated beverages in 1995. The main contrast is that Fruitopia and Snapple promoted themselves as healthy options to pop, while Life Savers beverages were apparently fluid candy. Americans may have ghastly eating and drinking propensities, however, like to trick ourselves into supposing we’re periodically settling on healthy decisions.


7. Coca-Cola Black Cherry Vanilla (2006 – 2007)

I’m not quite a bit of a soda consumer, but when I drink pop, I like cherry or vanilla cola. This was the best of both universes. Damn it, now I have to purchase two jugs of pop to mix so that I can attempt to reproduce this brief beverage. Lamentably, I’m not sufficiently goal oriented.


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