12 Fascinating Sodas/Pops of 1980s, 1990s, and Early 2000s That Are Extinct Now!

10. OK Soda (1993 – 1994)

The Coca-Cola Company fundamentally spent the ’90s frantically pandering to Generations X and Y. While Surge engaged all the gnarly compelling games nuts produced by Dan Cortese, OK Soda was an earlier refreshment that humored disappointed hippies.

The strange fruit flavored cola was presented in 1993 in an assortment of urban test markets. It included can a work of art by the comic artists Daniel Clowes and Charles Burns. It also had a pessimistic, eccentric promoting that jabbed fun at customary advertising. The publicizing effort made a decent attempt, and the pop was terrible. Furthermore, the beverage vanished after seven months only.


9. Pepsi Blue (2002 – 2004)

Pepsi Blue tasted as terrible as it looked. In the event that you think Mountain Dew is too sweet, be thankful you never encountered this horrifying presence. It was presented in 2002 and was ended in 2004. It is still found in Indonesia, which has encountered a huge increase in diabetes and obesity in the previous decade.


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