10 Most Nefarious ‘Names’ In The Star Wars Universe!

9. Sly Moore

The Chancellor Palpatine’s senior administrative aide, Sly Moore was a background player in the prequel trilogy. The Star Wars Databank makes references to her “enigmatic silence.” It paves way to lots of “rumors about her past and mysterious abilities she supposedly possessed.”

As her name indicates, she is someone who is sly, which means cunning or deceitful; just as anyone who was part of Palpatine’s inner circle could have been/must’ve been

Compared to the rest of the Republic government, Sly Moore was (more) it.


10. Agent Kallus

It won’t bew much off the mark to say that Star Wars Rebels has mostly been avoided due to its painfully obvious names for its characters. However, the one major exception to this is the Imperial Security Bureau Agent Kallus.

His first name(it is unknown whether he has one), has never been revealed. He is a brutal bounty hunter who has a brutal reputation for squashing any hints of rebellion throughout the Empire. However, he finds that job much harder than usual when he encounters the Lothal Rebels. Despite that, he remains a cunning, heartless officer bent on destroying them all.

His name, Kallus, is a homophone for the word “callous.” It is a term for someone who is cruel, cold, and hard-edged. An episode in Season 2 of Rebels called “The Honorable Ones” revealed that there could perhaps be more vulnerability to him than a stereotypically unsympathetic villain.

But the first time listener of his name, there is no mistake he means business.


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