10 Most Devastating Deaths In Comic Book Movies!


As much as we don’t want it to happen, the truth remains that characters in a Superhero movie die all the time. And now, most of us have come to terms with it. But it is when our most beloved character killed and taken away from us, that we are left shattered.

Here is a list of history’s most tragic deaths in Superhero Movies:

1. Gwen Stacy

The sequel, The Amazing Spiderman has attracted mixed reviews and opinions. But all fans stand together to mourn over a scene in the movie that left every viewer heart-broken- the death of Gwen Stacy. In spite of the desperate efforts by Peter, he could not save the woman he loved.

2. Peggy Carter

The fans sympathized with Steve Rogers when his first love, Peggy Carter died in Cap-3.  The tragedy had a huge impact on Steve, and the audience found it hard to absorb.

3.Harry Osborn

Fans loved the team-up of Spiderman and Harry Osborn towards the end of the film. Harry’s death was not called for and was a sad moment for the audience to witness.

4. Agent Coulson

Known to kill off main characters in his movies, Joss Whedon pushed it a bit too far when he decided to kill Agent Coulson, an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. The fans took it very badly while watching the first Avengers movie.

5. Yondu

Although an anti-hero, Yondu died a very heroic death in the movie, Guardians Vol.2. Audiences were left bereaved when he died. They would have loved to see much more of him in future films.

6. Jean Grey

X-men 3 movie took a sudden turn of events when Jean Grey (Dark Phoenix) died. Logan kills Jean and this was sorrowful to take in because he loved her.

7. Professor X

Although Charles Xavier died in X-men 3, the real sorrowful death of this mutant was when he was killed by X-24 in the movie, Logan.

8. Steve Trevor

Steve Trevor was the love of Diana (Wonder Woman), and he was the one who taught her how to love. He filled her heart with hope for a better life to come. The climax of the movie was when he died by his own will.

9. Quicksilver

Now, this was not something the audiences were prepared for. The entire scene happened so quickly. Fans had only seen him for a few scenes and before they knew it, he was dead. People hope that he will make a comeback in Infinity War.

10. Logan/Wolverine

This is by far the saddest and most devastating deaths for all X-men fans. To see the life of the legend of X-men movies come to an end was unbearable. Although the fans knew that the death of Logan was coming, when it came to pass, they could not accept it.

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