10 Issues About The Original Star Wars Trilogy That Nobody Wants To Admit.

8. Boba Fett Is Slightly Overrated

He is a character who is characterized by his ability to stand around not doing much. Prequels aside, there isn’t much to Boba Fett. Also the way that Return of the Jedi gives him one of the lamest death.

Try not to mistake this feedback as a complete assault on Boba Fett’s character. There is something characteristically engaging about the person. However, when you approach this character from an unbiased perspective, Boba Fett isn’t nearly as splendid as he’s made out to be. Notorious? Yes. Cool? Kind of.


7. The Lightsaber Battles Are A Bit Ridiculous

The lightsaber fights in Episodes I through III are significantly more invigorating than any of those included in Episodes IV through IV, which are, in a word, “naff.”

It’s not that the lightsaber duels don’t show signs of improvement as the first movies go ahead. There’s a noticeable difference in the levels of energy seen in Obi-Wan’s duel against Darth Vader in A New Hope and Luke’s battles against Vader in both The Empire Strikes and Return of the Jedi. Thinking back on these “exciting” confrontations, it’s practically confusing how ungainly and staged they look, particularly Obi-Wan’s face off against Darth Vader.


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