10 Cartoons In 1980’s You May Have Forgotten.

6. Shirt Tales

This was based on characters of the Hallmark cards. The story took after a gang of crime fighting creatures that included Tyg Tiger, Pammy Panda, Digger Mole, Rick Raccoon, and Bogey Orangutan who chatted in a Humphrey Bogart voice. They also teased the park officer Mr.Dinkle.


5. Rubik, the Amazing Cube

Goodness, The Rubik’s Cube was so well known in the 80’s that it even got its own animated series. It was based on a magical Rubik’s Cube named Rubik, who could fly and had other super powers. The character was brought to life only when all the colored squares on his sides had been matched. Rubik was somewhat of an eerie looking character as well.

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