Power Rangers: The Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger Battles Marvel’s Black Panther


Black Panther is getting a solo movie and is also all set to play a key role in the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War, however, it seems that he has managed to find time to battle a Power Ranger.

The fight has been created by Kamen Ramen Studios, who have created a fresh trailer pitting the Black Panther against the Jungle Fury Power Rangers, in particular against the Wolf Ranger. It has not been clarified as to what caused this fight. However, it is obvious that if you cross paths with someone who has a costume similar to yours, then you won’t let them walk away without a challenge.

You might say that wolves and panther are not identical, but, the resemblance is strong enough.

Either way, the battle is a spectacular combat of kicks, flips and powerful punches and you just can’t stop yourself from wishing for a big screen appearance of this battle. There is unlikely to be any crossover in the near future between Marvel and Power Rangers, but, you can enjoy watching this fight in the video trailer above.

To have a look at other Kamen Ramen Studios work, you can check their official YouTube page.

In case you are clueless about Jungle Fury, it is the 16th season of Power Rangers and was aired in 2008 during the Disney years. There are five Rangers on the show including the David De Lautour portrayal of Wolf Ranger.

As far as Black Panther is concerned, he debuted to a rousing welcome in Captain America; Civil War and as stated above, his solo film is coming up early next year.

Black Panther solo movie will release on February 16, 2018, and Power Rangers Ninja Steel can be watched on Netflix now. Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel will come to Nickelodeon next year.

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