New Rogue One Scene Takes A Look At The Scariff Troopers!


With the new and first Star Wars stand alone film ‘Rogue One ‘ literally’ days away!

We have been getting little tidbits of awesomeness from different media organizations. Although it isn’t a lot, it is enough to wet your appetite and learn a bit about the new characters and villains that will appear in the movie.

Recently Wal-Mart released commercial on the web that looks like a scene from Star Wars: Rogue one, and the quality of it actually had a few people fooled.

If this video doesn’t get you a little excited to see what will be coming in the movie, I dunno what will. 
The video shows a new type of Stormtrooper called the “Scariff Trooper” running for cover next to a downed AT-AT. After some research, although the video is of higher quality, it is only a commercial for the newer merchandise from the upcoming Star Wars Rogue one film.  
It has become impossible that a Star Wars film will not somehow be intertwined with some sort of merchandising campaign.
We will not be seeing the new and final Star Wars:Rogue One Trailer until the release of  the Doctor Strange movie on November 4th, but you can enjoy the last trailer below..
And that is o.k. with me and all the collectors out there I’m sure? 
although the commercial sequence will not actually appear in the new film, it has been pointed out by a source that the Scariff troopers will be a big part of the action in Star Wars:Rogue one! 
And I personally am excited to see all the new stuff that this amazing first Stand alone film will bring to the Star Wars Universe… 
How do you feel about the release of the Star Wars film-Rogue One? And do you support the new genre of the stand alone film? 
*We would like to take a minute to point out the amazing work by WalMart in the commercial above*

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