JJ Abrams Reveals Kylo Ren’s Thoughts In That Pivotal Han Solo Scene


J.J. Abrams Reveals Kylo Ren’s True Intentions for Han Solo

By: Nick Imholte

Even though “The Force Awakens” premiered almost a full year ago, details of some of the finer details are still slowly leaking out of the Disney camp. Some have been quite insightful, like the revelation that Rey’s parents were not even in this newest Star Wars film, to other less important details. However, recently there was on tidbit the J.J. Abrams let slip that puts one of the most iconic scenes of “The Force Awakens,” into more perspective.

Many have thought when Kylo Ren reunites with his father Han Solo on the long bridge in the Starkiller Base, Kylo had planned on murdering his father in cold blood the entire time, and was just playing a game of cat and mouse with his estranged father. However, according the Abrams in a new commentary in a new release of a DVD/blu-ray version of “The Force Awakens” we learn a little bit more about what Kylo’s true intentions really were.


J.J. Abrams said:

“People have asked me if I think that Kylo Ren was just playing with him the whole time, if he meant to kill him from the beginning. And the truth is, I think Kylo Ren, in this moment, is actually being convinced to walk away from this. Snoke is, as Han says, using him, and I think that somewhere Ben knows this. But I think that he can’t accept it. Deep down, he has gone too far.”

This gives us a bit more insight into how conflicted Kylo Ren truly is. Does this mean there is a chance of redemption for the young antagonist? Or does the combination of Kylo Ren knowing he has went too far to turn back, with the plunging of his lightsaber of his father’s chest make his character completely unredeemable? As the story unfolds in the next installments we will see, but one would think there will be even more to Kylo Ren’s Internal conflict.


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