Check Out This Fantastic 90s Animated Version Of Infinity War Trailer!


MCU fans received an early Christmas gift from Russo Brothers when they released the much-awaited Avengers: Infinity War trailer last week. The trailer rapidly became the most watched movie trailer in the history of YouTube, and it shattered the records for a 24 hour period getting over a million likes and a mind-blowing 230 million plus views. The earlier record was held by the cinematic adaptation of Stephen King’s IT by Andy Muschietti which had received 190 million views in 24 hours. It is obvious that the trailer’s release was a huge event and now it has received a fantastic tribute in the form of a 90s animation style version of the trailer created from the 1990s Marvel cartoons, and it is superb.

There were several highly successful cartoons in the 1990s such as X-Men: The Animated Series and Spider-Man: The Animated Series. Apart from those two, there were several similar, but, less famous yet successful Marvel animated shows. This decade is quite a fertile ground to seek inspiration from and had Iron-Man, Fantastic Four, The Incredible Hulk, The Silver Surfer and Avengers United are the other shows of the time. These were the cartoons that YouTuber Darth Blender used to create a consolidated adaptation of the Infinity War featuring the original dialogue and soundtrack from the trailer, but, replaced the visuals with some awesome 90s Marvel animations.

This animated adaptation of Infinity War trailer manages to replicate all aspects of the original trailer barring the last scene depicting Guardians of the Galaxy. This is easy to understand since there was no cartoon based on the Guardians of the Galaxy in the 1990s. If we overlook that, the new trailer has done well to find relevant footage from the cartoons and to piece them together with the last week’s trailer. The final outcome would have been the result of several hours of research as is evident from the excellent attention given to details.

Marvel Cinematic Universe will complete ten years spanning 18 films with the arrival of Avengers: Infinity War and several loyal fans are repeatedly reviewing each frame of the 2-minute video. Fans have been guessing that Thanos would get hold of all the Infinity Stones and whether we will see Iron-Man die (he was powerfully smashed into the ground by Thanos in the trailer). There is speculation about what led to Thor meeting the Guardians of the Galaxy and a lot of other such theories. The truth is, Infinity War is a mega film and fans expect Marvel to deliver a mind-blowing epic film featuring the most impactful comic book based story in the history of cinema.

Make no mistake, Disney and Marvel are facing a gigantic challenge, and they are awake to it. This animated clip is not the only tribute video made for the Infinity War trailer. A short while back there was a Disney cartoon mashup of the trailer and also a video showcasing how the Justice League reacted to the trailer. There is a wide range of Thanos memes circulating on the internet. However, none of that matches this well-crafted piece of art from the nerds. Don’t wait anymore! Go ahead and check out this animated trailer below, provided by the YouTube channel of Darth Blender.

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