5 Actors Who Can Be The Next Legendary Superhero ”The Phantom” In A Big Budget Movie.


The Narnia director “Mark Gordon” is currently working on bringing back the ” Ghost Who Walks” – The Phantom, on the big screen. Mark has recently pitched a script to Paramount, which has been approved. However, this is not the first movie adaptation of the Phantom; there was another one back in 1996, which brutally bombed at the box office and nobody liked the movie. However, Mark has decided to go the big-budget route this time, and he believes that with all the mainstream superhero hype – “This is the best time to bring the Phantom on the silver screen, he is not your typical superhero.”
About the plot, Mark revealed that it’s going to be set in Bangalia, which is the home of Phantom, he doesn’t want to bring Phantom to “New York” which previous movies and TV series adaptations have tried and failed miserably. Mark has also hinted that he wants to make Phantom more like Batman, who doesn’t shy away from shooting people like Punisher, having said that, he has no intention to make him full Dark and Grim! Keeping this personality in mind, here are the names of A-lister Hollywood actors who are in talks to put on the legendary Mask of Phantom. Here are the names of the actors:-

1) Gerard Butler


2) Timothy Olyphant

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