25 Hilarious Behind-The-Scene Images Of Marvel Superheroes


Superhero movies have a pretty serious tone. It’s always about the hero/ heroine who has to go through a lot of tough times and pain to finally get the best out of them. And let’s not forget the fight and battle scenes where all the heroes are powered with fury and will to destroy the villain.

When the movies finally hit the screen, audiences view them as funny, yes but also heavy, thought-provoking ad life-changing. But what they don’t realise is that all is not as serious and sad on sets. While shooting scenes, no one gets their lines right at first go. And there’s a lot of joking going around. When the camera is not on them, these actors and actresses are normal goofy human beings like you and me and are all ready to have some fun.

Imagine Captain America and Tony Stark enjoying a good laugh or Marvel’s famous green guy, Hulk joking around with his co-workers. And we can say for sure that some of the behind the scenes images and videos are actually more fun to watch than the movie itself. Here are 25 behind the scene images from the Marvel Studios:

1. Loki And Thor (The Assgardians)


2. Hawkeye on the learning terms!

3. Falcon is all set!

4. Machines to Getting Touch-up!

5. On the set of Avengers!

6. Shouting in front of the camera!

7. Funny Cast Members!

8. Cap is so funny!

9. Lolz!

10. Hulk is ready to smash!

11. Time to feed the babies!

12. Awesome!

13. Suiting- up!

14. Not that mystical!

15. Heroes together!

16. Shield!

17. Fun on set!

18. Crazy Celebs!

19. Vision

20. Remember the Scene?

21. Guardians of the Galaxy!

22. Phone Break!

23. Laughing Cap!

24. During the shoot!

25. Oh Yeah!

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