10 Reasons Why Star Wars: The Force Awakens Is Disappointing

4. Feeble Villain

Kylo Ren begins the film as a genuine danger, similar to Darth Vader. He is savage, physically-imposing and sufficiently strong to stop a blaster shot by utilizing the force. This is something we have not seen earlier from a Dark Side user. However as the film moves on, his character is progressively undermined by emotional immaturity and fits of teenage anxiety. There’s no issue with Ren being conflicted about which side he ought to battle for, however the way he is described takes away his intimidating qualities. His complete incapability is further demonstrated towards the end of the film, when he can’t defeat two complete novices who totally lack lightsaber training.


3. Plot Holes

The whole film depends on far-fetched and ineffectively clarified events. The main reason Rey and Finn get together is because they actually run into each other. Furthermore, the main reason they meet Han Solo is because the Millennium Falcon simply happens to be there on the same planet. Such minutes are the standard for Force Awakens, not the exception. Another senseless illustration is when a gorge magically opens up between Rey and Ren to save the latter from death. In the meantime, Captain Phasma, in a flash, consents to bring down the Starkiller shields, in spite of her prior portrayal as a savage Stormtrooper commander. The list of plot holes in the film is endless.


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