We Found A Fruit Bat Called Yoda.


So there is now a Yoda you could meet and even pet.

A tube-nosed fruit bat was discovered in the remote rainforest of Papua New Guinea. Immediately after the discovery, it was given the nickname of “Yoda” because of the uncanny similarity with the famous Star Wars character.

Later, it was re-christened as Hamamas fruit bat (the word “Hamamas” is a Papuan word, meaning happy). Why? Well, look at that adorable grin he has on his bright face.

However, it is now officially named Nyctimene wrightae sp. Nov. This scientific name was given in honor of Dr. Deb Wright, who devoted 20 years for the conservation of wildlife in the country.

Dr. Nancy Irwin, a biologist from University of York, shared:

“Most of the morphological characteristics that separate this bat from other species are associated with a broader, rounder jaw which gives the appearance of a constant smile. Since most remote Papuans have never seen Star Wars, I thought it fitting to use a local name: the Hamamas – meaning happy – tube-nosed fruit bat.”

Her team has studied more than 3,000 species of fruit bats across 18 museums worldwide. The “Yoda” bat was classified as a Nyctimene due to its odd protruding tubular nostrils. The first of these species were discovered back in 1769. These bats have tube noses, thick stripes and spots, and bright colors. These features have attracted tourists and research alike for around 250 years, and they are even featured on a Papua New Guinea postage stamp.

However, the researchers are far from done. They still strive to find more species. In their words:

“There were no illustrations of the cyclotis group of bats which made identifying bats really difficult,” said Dr Irwin.

“So difficult was it that Papua New Guinea produced stamps illustrating the bats but could not allocate a species name.

“Now, with photographs, illustrations and a key of the other species in the group, it makes it possible to distinguish between three species of the group.”

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