Unbelievable But True! Here’s Why DCEU Is More Successful Than MCU After 5 Films!


The DCEU has become an example of hardcore polarization in the Comic Book fandom. There are those who call it too real and dark, unlike the superhero films. Whereas others call that the darkness and the inbuilt symbolism are the reasons that make each film a masterpiece. The fans remain divided and bickering with each other. However, there is some news which will disappoint the anti-DCEU group. If we compare them, Marvel Cinematic Universe at this position where DCEU right now is, was not as successful as the latter. DCEU has overall performed better than the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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The DCEU has so far earned over 1.6 billion USD, and The Marvel Cinematic Universe had made only 1.3 billion USD after its first five films. That’s a gap of over 300 Million USD. Let us have a look at the factors which can substantiate this topic.

Money is important, but, is not the only criteria.

MCU has been enjoying a huge starting lead. Right from the start, Marvel Studios have utilized each film’s blockbuster success as a step leading to the ultimate title of ‘World’s most profitable movie franchise.’

Marvel has showcased the fact that solo films with an inter-linked narrative and bonds with other films in a shared universe setting which eventually culminate in one mega event is practical enough to be attempted on the big screen. No one thought that it was possible beyond theory. Marvel did it first, but, it is not the only one to do so.

DC comics figured it out over half a decade later, and the 2013 release Man of Steel was a hit. Subsequently, DCEU went on to release five more films, out of which, Wonder Woman was the only film that received praise from all corners.

However, it would be wrong if we say that DCEU followed MCU’s steps to build the Warner Bros. franchise. They did copy the idea, but, they have given their own twist to the concept.

The outcome was a franchise powerful enough to keep going at the Box office which has seen the fall of other big franchise such as the Dark Universe by Universal in the past. DC Extended Universe is going to survive because they seem to have just found their biggest protection – Creativity.

Universal imitated the DCEU and couldn’t succeed. DCEU copied MCU’s idea, but, modified it to create their own vision and got success.

The DCEU owns all the DC Iconic characters

At a time when Marvel had to contend with the B and even C level superheroes, making everyone think that the MCU won’t succeed. It was purely a leap of faith when Iron-Man debuted ten years ago. The film became a success, and it gave a cult status to Iron-Man, however, the risk was avoidable in the first place.

If Marvel had retained the rights to their iconic characters such as The Fantastic Four, X-Men and Spider-Man that they sold to rival studios the Marvel Cinematic Universe would have been more legendary and grand.

DC doesn’t face any such problem. They have the rights to their entire spectrum of superheroes, and no other studio owns any of their icons. They are free to make any film based on any of their characters without bothering about rights or legal hassles. Man of Steel, Dawn of Justice, Wonder Woman, Suicide Squad and Justice League have featured the A-listers of DCEU. MCU can only wish for the same.

One Weapon that the DCEU has but Marvel doesn’t possess yet

DC Extended Universe has been struggling to get praise and good box-office numbers, however, there is one area where they have done fabulously and left Marvel Cinematic Universe way behind – A Female superhero film. No matter what you might say, but, the truth is that it was DCEU’s grand success with Wonder Woman that has forced Marvel to try and catch up by announcing their plans to make female-led films.

Just give it a thought. The Marvel Cinematic Universe came into being several years before DCEU. They had no lack of opportunity to try and make a female superhero film. Black Widow has been a part of the MCU since Iron-Man 2 and is also a key member of Avengers if you need any more reason.

Would it be wrong to say that MCU didn’t find the prospects of a female superhero film profitable, before, Wonder Woman brought about the change of thinking? The answer is yes. If Wonder Woman hadn’t been successful, MCU would not have given consideration to a Black Widow movie or the Captain Marvel movie that they subsequently announced. The Amazonian Princess captivated not just the fans, but, also won over those who discarded the thought.

No matter what it is, the DCEU and the MCU must be credited for making the dreams of comic book lovers’ true. It is this genre of superheroes. We should all appreciate the works. No point getting involved in meaningless, petty fights and making personal remarks. This is a game and let’s enjoy it. We thank DCEU and MCU, both! Have fun!

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