Top 10 Strongest Sith Lords Of All Times.


We have here a list of the 10 best Sith ever. You may not remember every one of them since many of them don’t show up in the films. However, I’ll introduce them to you. So, here goes…

10. Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker)

Since midi-chlorian measures the capability of a Force Sentient and Anakin Skywalker was the Jedi with the maximum midi-chlorian levels ever. However, he never achieved his maximum capacity. This is precisely why he’s in the tenth spot.

The best way to save his wife’s life, according to him, was to join the dark side. This thought process added to the significant outrage and feeling of misfortune within his heart. Eventually, this prompted his fall.

He was initially Darth Sidious apprentice and was later known as Senator Palpatine. He then got to be Darth Vader and murdered all the Jedi in the Jedi Temple. Obi-Wan Kenobi, his previous Jedi Master, fought a duel with him in Mustafar and won, leaving Vader to die in a bath of lava.

However, Darth Sidious saved Vader and encased him in the notable life-supporting dark suit he wore for the rest of his life.


9. Darth Bane (Dessel)

He is the Sith Lord who made the Law of Two. This fact highlights his significance.

He made his place in Sith history when he made his own Sith Order. He was earlier instructed in the old Sith Order by the Sith Council that existed in those days. However, he thought that the council was pretty weak. So, he did a detailed study on Darth Revan’s Holocron and thereafter, having been equipped with his strength and new learning, he wrecked the old Sith Order to make his own.


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