Thor: Ragnarok Home Theater Trailer And New Features!


February’s second half will be great fun for MCU fans. First, the highly awaited Black Panther will release on 16th February, and only four days after that, the latest Marvel blockbuster, Thor: Ragnarok, will release on Blu-ray, Digital and DVD.

In preparation for this release, Marvel has come out with not just a fresh Blu-ray trailer, but, also a mighty list of addons which you will get in the home media package.

Have a look at this rib-tickling trailer below:

Besides the usual DVD extras such as deleted scenes, a fun real and commentary by the director, there are several other specials that will delight the true Asgardian fans. These are the details of the add-ons, directly from the Marvel Press Release.

Exclusive Short/Team Darryl – After being dethroned from the position of Sakaar’s ruler, the Grandmaster comes down to Earth to lead a fresh life. Thor had left Australia over a year ago, and Darryl is finding it difficult to pay his rent. Thus, Darryl decides to get a new roommate to support the monthly payments. Sadly for Darryl, the only person who responded to Darryl’s ad of “Roommate Needed” and in the absence of any other feasible options, the Grandmaster becomes his roommate.

Marvel Studios: The Initial Ten Years – The Evolution of Heroes- Marvel Cinematic Universe is huge and traverses time and space. We will evaluate the MCU as a unit and explore the present location and place of all the heroes in today’s MCU timeline because it all ends in one mega-event: “Avengers: Infinity War.”

Get connected to your Inner Thor – Taika Waititi, the maker of Thor: Ragnarok has displayed his signature style and humor to the film in fantastic ways, but, it is the growth of Thor’s personal humor which impacts the most in the latest film. This piece dwells upon the impact of Chris Hemsworth on the character of Thor and celebrates the great cast and crew who bring forward the fun as well as the great hard work that was required to put together Thor’s crazy colleagues.

Unstoppable Women: Hela and Valkyrie – This is a piece that highlights the powerful female characters in Thor: Ragnarok, their place in MCU, their fantastic casting and comic book origins.

Finding Korg – A witty discussion with Taika Waititi on the casting of Korg. He elaborates how tough it was to find the perfect development of this character’s design, and the intricacies of his character that has become an instant fan favorite in MCU. The discussion will also touch upon the fantastic visual effects which gave life to Korg, Sakaar and the Thor: Ragnarok worlds to life.

Sakaar: On the Edge of the Known and Unknown – Sakaar is the central hub for all things lost and discarded. This documentary answers the various known as well as unknown questions alongside getting an insight into the hard work and creativity which resulted in the look and feel of Sakaar. From designs based on the iconic Jack Kirby artworks to the mind-blowing physical and digital production from the visual development team, this documentary will bring this world to life.

Journey into Mystery – This is a highly exploratory piece with the writers, director, and producer Kevin Feige about how they were inspired by the comic books for Thor: Ragnarok. Most prominently, the contest of champions limited series which shows the Grandmaster make our beloved heroes battle each other, just the way he did in the movie. This piece also provides further insight into the comic book history of Thor and famous arcs via interviews featuring well known comic characters, such as Walt Simonson and Jack Kirby.

If watching Thor: Ragnarok again after having seen Black Panther on the big screen is still not enough of an MCU dose for you, then the Thor special features will provide you with hours of additional material to entertain you, that too well in time for Avengers: Infinity War releasing in May.

You can choose to own your Thor: Ragnarok edition on HD, Blu-Ray and DVD on February 20th, and also watch it on-demand on March 6th.

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