Doomsday Clock #1 Review: The WATCHMEN Sequel Begins


Everything that we knew about Watchmen has been transformed with Doomsday Clock #1 starting the sequel series into the DC Universe. The mindset of contemporary writers and artists avoiding any tampering with the classics’ implied that DC had to undertake a great struggle right from the moment the announcement was made. They have earlier expanded the universe of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbson during their Before Watchmen series of origin stories. However, after reading Doomsday Clock #1, there is no doubt that this Geoff Johns story is going to be something different.

The writer/publisher has tackled the skepticism and outrage directly and instantly confirmed that Doomsday Clock was an official Watchmen sequel. That would make this story explain the mystery that lies at the core of DC’s Rebirth/Superman mystery, but, will also expand the story Moore had created with his legendary work. Thus, Rorschach comeback, a return to the ill-fated timeline of the imaginary ‘Minuteman’ and as per Johns’ hint, a Watchmen/DC crossover that fans couldn’t have even thought of.

Doomsday Clock #1 will be available in stores on Wednesday, November 22nd and there is an embargo at present on spoilers and reviews. Luckily, we have got permission to bring forward some spoiler-free reviews about this story, tone and also the fact Geoff Johns and artist Gary Frank and Brad Anderson have been extremely successful in taking the Watchmen legacy further.

It is not an easy task considering that Watchmen creators are not keen about Doomsday Clock. However, in the first part, the DC writers impress. As disclosed in Doomsday Clock’s initial six-pages, John undertakes the challenge of getting the voice of Rorschach as created by Alan Moore, not in imitation style, but, a recall of the cynical, contrasting and weirdly funny tone of the masked Minuteman.

Story’s details are heavily guarded and will remain so till the release happens – fans must be aware that Doomsday Clock is a sequel and not a reboot or a dramatic re-imagining of any major Watchmen story points. Detailing the future of the original comic book, Doomsday Clock is based in a worse world. The various countries are not any closer to a nuclear annihilation than the original story. However, Ozymandias plan from the original story is revealed, therefore, the words of Dr. Manhattan are like a prophecy: nothing about Watchmen’s story was ever conclusive.

That’s the setting, greatly impacted by modern global scenarios (of ten months ago) that show Rorschach embarking on a new adventure to try and answer a bigger mystery, maybe the biggest mystery that has been offered by the Watchmen universe. He is not going to do it solo, and it doesn’t just mean that the original novel’s favorites would come back to join him. The first issue is focused on setting up the premise and the world where this story will be based, however, it is certainly vital.

Further issues will show how harsh the political commentary by Johns and Frank will be (and in case it will do for the modern society what Moore and Gibbons’ work did for theirs), however, it is a tough one to resist. The world is different from what it was during the first Watchmen mystery and with 1992 a major Doomsday Clock scenario, it might be the last pages which will keep the readers restless till issue #2 comes. No spoilers, but, Johns has assured that the Watchmen’s role in the Rebirth mystery of Superman will be explained and he is keeping his word.

Skeptics might not be charmed by issue #1, but, it is difficult to think that most will not want to see more of the mystery and that would be a success. Johns has got the benefit of the doubt while Frank and Anderson try to create visuals that won’t intrude on the various potential landmines in such a major sequel. The outcome for everyone is a Watchmen sequel that doesn’t copy or imitate the work done by Moore and Gibbons. Yet, it gives the feel of a comeback to the Watchmen world.

That’s all for now as the lines separating the DC Universe, and Rorschach and Ozymandias are blurring.

Doomsday Clock #1 will be available in stores on Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017.


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