The Emperor’s Revenge Explained In Star Wars Battlefront Trailer


If there is something that the Star Wars franchise has taught us on SheevPalpatine, it is that the man who will be Emperor planned ahead always. Order 66 had proved that and also the Clone Wars.

Does anyone think that Emperor did not have plans for the event of his death? The preview video from Star Wars Battlefront II reveals that the Emperor’s last command was his revenge. But “scorched Earth” does not cover it. Palpatine’s vision of the destruction is like a “scorched galaxy.”

The clip is from Star Wars Battlefront II’s single-player campaign, which puts all players in the place of Inferno Squadron leader, IdenVersio, as she goes on a 30-year quest, avenging Emperor’s death and bringing down the New Republic. The new video shows that Iden is working for her father in the Imperial military and the Emperor’s messengers have been dispatched to many remaining forces who are loyal to the Empire.

We are getting a Dementor vibe from Emperor’s messenger.  It seems to threaten Iden when she asks about her next target. Perhaps that is foreshadowing tension between Iden and the rest of the Imperial military if she does not agree with the Emperor’s plans.

As depicted by io9, Operation Cinder has come up before in the Disney continuity. It was a plot point in the Journey to the Force Awakens: Shattered Empire comic book series.

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