Star Wars Episode VIII – 10 Things That We Already Know.


Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakenswas one of the most keenly anticipated movie of 2015 and when it finally opened in cinemas,it more than live up to the hype.Now that it has put an end to months or even years of speculation, our thirst is not quenched. It has intensified and we want more. No sooner had we come out of the cinema than we were already speculating about what might be in store for the yet to be titled Episode VIII. With the familiar hype and anticipation building up again, Episode VIII looks set to be one of the most anticipated films of all time.
The film set for an end 2017 release so we have plenty of time to speculate. One thing is for sure: buzz is going to be strong. You can expect to see plenty of fan theories springing up. New announcements, trailer releases, etc. are going to send the internet into overdrive and frenzy mode. A case in point – a few leaked set photos thus far have already set got tongues wagging. Any information releases and leak between now till the release then is going to be examined and re-examined a hundred times over.
The fandom is already asking the answer or explanation to so many questions. Is Rey a Skywalker – is she maybe even Luke’s daughter? Is Han Solo really dead?What is the fate of KyloRen? With his best friend gone, what will Chewbacca do now? Where and how will Finn and Rey next meet? Sorry to disappoint if you were expecting the answer to these questions. Unfortunately, the answers to all of those questions can’t be had for the time being. However, we have few things that are already known about the upcoming film. Some of them may seem to hint at the storylines and characters we will see and you may draw your conclusion from these facts. This list is the surest and most complete and detailed information available right now. Read on.

10. Luke and Leia

That Luke will have a much bigger role to play in this film is an already known fact by now but what is new is that we can expect the same from Leia to as well. Luke’s was barely even a cameo experience last time around with him hardly getting any speaking lines and his screen time too, was only for a few seconds. Daisy Ridley, the actress who played Rey has confirmed that she and Mark Hamill (Luke)have been doing a lot of rehearsing together. This seems to be our indicator that a lot of screen time is on the card for our returning hero. Leia can be expected to take a more central role now that Han Solo is out of the picture. We may see her trying to find her son, directing her army, avenging her lost love. She could perhaps having a say in her brother’s role too.

9. A New Villain

Another news in is that the fine actor Benicio Del Toro has accepted a role in the film. He is expected to play the unspecified new villain. As of now, not much is known about the character, but it is mighty clear that with a swelling cast,the Dark Side is going to be damn very busy. An interesting tidbit is that Del Toro was originally signed on to play Darth Maul. At the scripting level many of the character’s lines were cut. This new development presents Del Toro with a chance to reclaim a spot in the franchise and stamp his presence on the franchise. Rumors about is that Joaquin Phoenix was originally offered the villain role but he turned it down. Pinpointing some similarities between the two actors’ looks might help shed some light on the character’s direction.

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