Star Wars 8: Is Qui-Gon Jinn Rey’s Grandfather ? Lucasfilm Drops Some Big Hints


Has Star Wars: The Last Jedi already given huge hints that Rey is not just a Skywalker but also related to Qui-Gon Jinn? How is this possible?

At times, signs are right in front of us, but, we take time to figure them out. We always doubted that Rey is a Skywalker, but, what if we come to know that she is not Luke’s daughter, but, someone else’s?

Some significant recent hints clearly indicate that Rey has a familial relationship with the former master of Obi-Wan, Qui Gon Jinn.

We had a detailed analysis of The Phantom Menace and everything that we have discovered about The Force Awakens as well as The Last Jedi, points towards Rey having not just one but two mighty Force bloodlines running in her veins.

Let’s consider the great visual similarities between Rey and Qui-Gin before we delve into the timelines and backgrounds.

We somehow missed the near identical design of their outfits that Disney and Lucasfilm has presented them in. Both wear robes that criss-cross their body and this first came to our notice when we saw the first image of Rey in The Last Jedi.

Fans got really excited about her change of hairstyle, but, you might not have noticed that this hairstyle only resembles one other character from the franchise.

Was this Lucasfilm’s way of telling us that there is more to Rey and Qui-Gon than simply the hairstyle?

The latest official Last Jedi footage revealed to Disney shareholders included a sequence which showed floating lights encircling Rey.

This is a pattern similar to how they show a Force ghost in the Star Wars saga along with the representation of ghostly Force characters such as Luke, Anakin and Yoda shown at the end of The Return of The Jedi.

In fact Star Wars Rebels had featured the most popular iteration of a Force ghost during the sequence when the ghost of Qui-Gon Jinn visited Yoda. Assuming that Qui-Gon is Rey’s grandfather then it is highly logial that he will be the first person to transcend the Force distance and to guide and empower her.

However, it is not possible since Jedi are not allowed to indulge in any kind of affection and familial relationships.

Well, the assumption of Qui-Gon being a Grey Jedi can help sort out this problem and the timeline as well as the history is also right for this to happen.

Obi Wan was unhappy because his master not being a part of the Jedi Council and this exclusion was explained by the doubts about Qui-Gon being a Grey Jedi. Grey Jedi is someone who is a Force user who doesn’t have absolute faith in it nor follows the Jedi teaching wholeheartedly.

In fact, there are so many fans who believe that Luke has also now become a Grey Jedi.

Thus, if Qui-Gon happened to be a Grey Jedi, that would mean he’s not being restricted by the denial of love and physical attraction as instructed by the Jedi teachings.

One of the Star Wars expert on Qui-Gon, Josh explained how the Jedi had fathered a child with Shmi Skywalker during their togetherness at the beginning of The Phantom Menace.

Josh also explained that the child born to a slave would have been sold away as a property and that had happened before Shmi getting freed and marrying Lars. Shmi had only one more occasion when she came in contact with her son Anakin or any other Jedi during her last moments, thus, she never got time to tell about another unknown child.

This is all mere gossip, however, it is still a thrilling thought that connects Rey to the Skywalker lineage without being directly an offspring of either Anakin, Luke or Leia.

This also fits perfectly that if Rey is not linked to them then she most probably is the next Chosen One.

But, what if Rey is another Force child like Anakin? The “virgin birth” of Anakin was attributed to Darth Plagueis, the master of Emperor Palpatine.

The Force had foiled the evil plans of Palgueis by making Shmi pregnant in an effort to regain balance. In case the systematic Force once again desired to make a child, a female heir of Shmi would be the most appropriate carrier for that child.

Star Wars The Last Jedi hits cinemas on December 15.

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