Spider-Man Homecoming: Does The Secret Handshake Represent The Six Avengers?


In Spider-Man: Homecoming, Peter Parker and his friend, Ned Leeds had a great, secret handshake. Now, one of the fan theories suggests that the handshake may represent the 6 Avengers.

A post on Reddit’s Movie Details community had suggested that the 6 parts of Peter Parker (Tom Holland) and Ned Leed’s (Jacob Batalon) were representatives of each of the 6 Avengers.

Reddit user “mrtyman” breaks the handshake down. A grab of hands represents Thor and his hammer, a bird-like hand represents Hawkeye, then a Hulk-like fist pound. The raised arm represents Captain America’s shield, the palm strike represents Iron Man’s repulsors, and a gun gesture is Black Widow’s part of the handshake. If the parts of the handshake do represent the six Avengers, it makes for a clever and detailed Easter egg in Spider-Man: Homecoming and would not be out of place in the movie. One of the deleted scenes from the movie contained a Captain America: The Winter Soldier Easter egg while there were other gems.

However, while the theory is plausible, not all the Spider-Man fans are on board with this. Some of the comments seem to think that “mrtyman” was not onto anything, with others pointing out that guns are not Black Widow’s primary weapons.

Even if the handshake represents the Avengers, Peter may find himself needing to rethink the execution sooner. The first trailer for the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War had been released last week, and it seems like the heroes are going to have the fight of their lives.

Avengers: Infinity War opens in theaters May 4, 2018.

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