Aimee Smith, 26, snuck the mask of the science fiction most loved into her maternity ward and wore it amid mid-contraction with a specific goal to give the midwives a chuckle.

A pregnant lady wore a Chewbacca mask and comically snarled her way through labour in spite of not being a Star Wars fan.

Aimee Smith, 26, had bought an electronic science fiction mask particularly for the birth of her third kid.

Once it is worn, the mask of the incredible Wookiee warrior and Han Solo’s co-pilot wails and snarls like the rebel who reestablished freedom to the galaxy does in the Star Wars motion pictures.

The 26-year-old mum snitched it into her maternity hospitality ward and she put it on amid mid-constriction with a specific goal to give the midwives a chuckle as she conceived an offspring.

Aimee’s partner Michael Ogden, who’s also 36, took the amusing video which demonstrates her lying in bed chuckling and breathing in gas with the mask producing Wookie snarls.

Furthermore, after infant Albie was conceived the maternity midwife who assisted with the delivery at Furness General Hospital likewise participated in the fun by wearing the mask and posed for a photograph.

Aimee, who is a industrial cleaner from Barrow-in-Furness in Cumbria – stated:

“I bought the mask and thought I’d put it on as a joke – the midwives looked at me like I was mad. I bought it off the internet, my sister-in-law said ‘you should do this while you are in labour’ – it was a joke. It was my third and last child, I thought ‘I might as well go out with a bang.

My friends were all shocked – they were all laughing when they saw the video. They said they thought everyone in the hospital would think I was crazy. Can you imagine the baby thinking ‘what the hell is going on?”

She further added:

“When you make a noise, the mask makes a noise. Once we had the baby, the nurses were coming in and putting the mask on and getting pictures taken with the mask.”

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Aimee’s sister-in-law put her up to wear the £30 mask amid her pregnancy.

Her other youngsters – Jayden, five, and Phoebe, two – were absent at the May 31 birth of Albie who weighed 6lbs 10oz.

Neither Aimee nor Michael are devotees of Star Wars. This is despite the fact that Aimee said Albie could be enthusiastic about the science fiction films in the nearby future.

She had further statement:

“I’m not a Star Wars fan, I’ve seen the films but I’m not really into them. I bought the mask about three weeks before the birth. When Albie arrived he was just lying there looking around, he came out with his eyes open.I can just imagine being a baby and coming into the world and looking at two midwives acting stupid and me and his dad laughing our heads off because the mask was making a noise. My boyfriend cut the umbilical cord – it was eventful. All that was missing was the popcorn.”

Aimee will duplicate the recording on to a DVD which will be put away in Albie’s memory box.

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