12 Cast Confirmations For The Mortal Kombat Movie 2021 Is Driving Fans Mad!


The M.K film that released in 1995 was a tremendous hit back in the day, it was built on an incredibly thin budget, but the audience responded positively as the story stayed true to the roots of its source material, the award-winning Mortal Kombat gaming franchise. The same successful Mortal Kombat film had a sequel; the creators called it Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, ironically this film was so freaking bad that it totally annihilated the reputation of the first movie as well as killed all the hopes of the studios in creating any live-action content based on Mortal Kombat in the near future.

1. Shang Tsung – Robin Shou

1. Shang Tsung - Robin Shou

2. Liu Kang – Daniel Wu

2. Liu Kang - Daniel Wu

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