Latest Rumor About Carrie Fisher Debunked


One very unusual controversy has been doing rounds on the Internet regarding the late Carrie Fisher.

The rumor started from a tweet referencing a remark made by George Lucas in a DVD commentary in 2004. The story stated that Princess Leia had a Ph.D.  However, this rumor is since debunked, claiming the remark of Lucas to be nothing but a statement about needing an intelligent actress for playing Leia. This rumor shouldn’t have been taken seriously to begin with; the educational qualification of Princess Leia never played any role in the plot of Star Wars.

The final nail in the coffin of this rumor came in the form of Claudia Grey, who strongly refuted the whole thing. She tweeted:

“This would be news to me…”

It must be noted that Grey has been writing a book “Leia, Princess of Alderaan” about the teenage years of the life of Princess Leia. The books come out on September 1.

Another Star Wars expert shot down the theory, saying that George Lucas makes a lot of remarks, but nothing should be considered canon until it is filmed.

The actress passed away last year, after shooting her last movie “Star Wars: The Last Jedi.” She never started shooting for its sequel, Episode 9. Out of respect for her character, the production team redesigned the story to explain her absence, instead of using CGI or body doubles. However, she did appear digitally in the spin-off Rogue One: A Star Wars Story last year.

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