Juggernaut May Be The Big Villain In “Deadpool 2”


It looks like that the unstoppable foe of the X-Men may soon find a place in the upcoming Deadpool 2.

To be honest, there is no official confirmation or even a comment from the production team. All we have is the pictures of a huge man wearing equipment similar to those used in creating Colossus. We know that he couldn’t be Cable or Colossus, which led to the speculations of Juggernaut.

Omega Underground was the first one to notice this, sharing on Twitter that the actor was wearing a rig similar to one worn during the creation of Colossus in the first Deadpool movie.

Omega Underground goes ahead with more hints, especially about the (now removed) audition tapes that were for a character quite similar to the Juggernaut.

The backstory of Juggernaut is quite well-known to the comic-book nerds. Born as Cain Marko, he was the stepbrother of Professor Xavier and hated him. He was a normal human (albeit a psychopath), who discovered the Crimson Gem of Cytorrak. The artifact belonged to the powerful demon Cytorrak and gave the Crimson Bands of Cytorrak to whoever touched it. These bands transform the person into a human juggernaut, harnessing the power of Cytorrak himself.

Juggernaut is one of the few X-Men villains who animosity doesn’t stem from his hatred of mutants. Instead, his motivations are simple: it is either greed for power and money, or the hatred for his step-brother, Charles.

Juggernaut is known for his near-limitless strength and invulnerability (except to telepathic attacks). While it would be great to see him in Deadpool 2, he won’t be alone (if the producers decide to stick to comics).

Black Tom Cassidy

It was confirmed that Jack Kesy would be the main villain in Deadpool 2. We don’t know yet about his role, but it is speculated that he would play Black Tom Cassidy.

Tom Cassidy was the brother of Banshee and closest friend of Juggernaut. During his stint in jail, he befriended Cain Marko and together they escaped from the prison. Since then, the duo shared many adventures (the evil ones) together. Such is their bond that many times Juggernaut had to leave his prey and instead save Cassidy from danger.

Primarily, the duo was the villains of the X-Men. After initially challenging the new X-Men, they formed a short-lived Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, and more recently appeared in the X-Men Blue. Yet, they have also crossed paths with Deadpool.

Evil Guys Vs. Deadpool

In the comic series “Deadpool: The Circle Chase,” we saw the villains trying to kidnap and experiment on Deadpool to extract his healing factor after it was revealed that Black Tom’s powers had gone haywire and was killing him.

Other instances of the characters crossing paths would include when Black Box hired Black Tom to kill Deadpool, and when Black Tom attacked Siryn (Banshee’s daughter) and was confronted by Deadpool.

All these instances prove that there is enough scope for Black Tom to appear in a Deadpool movie. And where there is Black Tome, there would also be Juggernaut.

Juggernaut and Colossus

Another huge reason for Juggernaut to appear in the upcoming movie would be Colossus. Over the year, the rivalry between the two powerhouses has been a fan-favorite. While Juggernaut had kicked Colossus’s ass more often than not, the storylines between them have been interesting. We even saw Colossus becoming the Juggernaut for a while after Cain Marko was stripped of his powers.

Since Colossus had his best screen appearance in live-action in “Deadpool,” it would be reasonable to include Juggernaut too (especially since his first and last appearance in live-action was the pathetic one in X-Men 3).

We have our hopes high and fingers crossed.

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