Is Darth Vader Just A Doctor Doom Rip-Off?


On the special event of the birthday of comic book legend, Jack Kirby, DC and Marvel fans across the globe celebrate the work of the man who gave the world many memorable super heroes and villains.

Is Kirby also responsible for Darth Vader? In 1979, Stan Lee suggested that Vader was a kind of spiritual decedent of Doctor Doom.

In 2016, during the height of Rogue One Vader-frenzy, Mark Peters wrote on Paste on the “underappreciated influence” Kirby has had on Star Wars.  The nemesis of the Fantastic Four- Doctor Victor von Doom is more of a terrestrial version of Darth Vader.

While Writing in a Fantastic Four issue, 1979, Lee said,

“Hey, gang, have you seen Star Wars? Okay, okay, I realize that’s like asking if you can spell your name. But anyway, remember the villain, Darth Vader? …you are about to meet one of our own Marvel villains, and I just suspect that you might notice the teensy-weensiest little resemblance! And, in case you’re wondering, Dr. Doom came first—by about 15 years, give or take a micro-minute or two.”

Doom was disfigured, and this is why he too wears a terrifying metal mask. Doom had derived powers from the practices of Tibetian Monks which is similar to Darth Vader knowing the ways of the Jedi.

Yoda’s Jedi teachings have a resemblance to TibetianBuddism, especially when it comes to the focus on wisdom from a guru. Doctor Doom can telepathically control people, which is similar to Jedi mind tricks.

Yes, there is no smoking gun to indicate that George Lucas stole the design of Darth Vader from Doctor Doo. But, Stan Lee pointed it out once publicly.

So, did Doctor Doom have his thunder stolen in the ‘70s and ‘80s by Darth Vader? Or is the shared fashion choices just a coincidence?

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