6 Things That Make DC Bigger Than Marvel


The competition between DC Comics and Marvel has been legendary and going on for decades. Now that both of them have entered Hollywood, this rivalry has only intensified. Adding fuel to the fire, we highlight six things which make DC a bigger brand than Marvel.

Comics And Popularity of Characters

Marvel comics can’t even be in the vicinity of DC’s comics in terms of quality and content. DC’s superheroes are world famous whereas Marvel had no character of high standing before the Avengers film gave revived the dead characters.


Warner Bros. and DC comics created and sold much superior merchandise compared to Marvel. DC made a lot more money by selling action figures, clothing, etc.


The games created by the WB and DC Comics duo have been far superior. The various Batman and Injustice games have been a raging success for them, and Marvel has only churned out miserable games which are dwarfed by the towering DC video games.

Animated Movies and Shows

We are yet to see a top quality animation film or an animated TV series from Marvel, whereas, DC has been churning out favorites since the 1990s. Justice League animated series is easily rated among the best-animated cartoons of all time.

Live-action TV Shows

DC beats Marvel hands down in TV shows. The Flash and Arrow have such a huge fandom that the entire Marvel range of TV shows can’t collectively surpass.

Movies and Box Office

DC was the true harbinger of superhero films genre when it made the successful Batman and Superman films in the 1980s and 90s. DC’s superhero films such as Dark Knight Trilogy have been way better even before MCU was born. While DCEU has had a mixed start, it is now gaining ground now, and if we compare first four DCEU movies with MCU movies then DC beats Marvel hugely, and we are sure it will keep doing so in future.

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