Brannon Braga Regrets The Ending Of The Star Trek Series


The Star Trek: Enterprise ended its four season run in 2005. This was considered to be a controversial finale among all the TV shows. Fans were not happy with how the series ended. Co-creator, Brannon Braga spoke out on the finale and how he feels about it now.

“I thought it was the coolest thing ever when we were writing it, the idea of doing a ‘lost episode’ of The Next Generation, but they’re going to the holodeck to look back at Enterprise, Rick and I thought was a great sendoff to Star Trek [the franchise as it existed in 2005], and it didn’t work out so well…It was a kind of a slap in the face to the Enterprise actors. I heard it from everybody, it was the only time Scott Bakula was ever mean to me. I regret it.”      

 Brannon Braga spoke about the finale he wrote for Star Trek: Enterprise at the annual Star Trek Las Vegas Convention which Trek Movie was in attendance for and he revealed that he regrets the decisions that he and Rick Berman tookd when they wrote the final episode.

Fans are glad to hear this ashe acknowledges that they made a mistake in the judgement.

The episode featured TNG character, Commander Riker hundred years in to the future and using the holodeck and join the Enterprise crew on their mission before the ship was decommissioned. The events of the final mission in the episode were seen from his perspective and this left many fans feeling like the show had abandoned the remaining characters.

Brannon Braga notes that fans were not the only ones who were angry about this. Scott Bakula was also disappointed in by this decision. Brannon Braga noted that he and Rick Berman thought they were doing justice to the Enterprise and Star Trek TV franchise with this ending.

The 2005-2006 television season was the first in 18 years that would not have the new Trek on air. The show featured an appearance from TNG character, CounselorTroi and the voices of Data and Picard, alongside with the William Shatner.

It is good that Brannon Braga admits that he made a mistake.

The next show, Star Trek: Discovery is to premiere on September 24 and will air on CBS All Access streaming-only network.

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