After 54 YEARS First FEMALE Doctor Who CONFIRMED By BBC!


Finally, after so much anticipation the 13th Doctor Who has been confirmed, and to everybody’s surprise, the character’s gender has been flipped. Jodie Whittaker is going to be the first Female Doctor Who in 5 decades of this show. She will be taking over the role of Doctor Who from Peter Capaldi.

Jodie Whittaker is known for her role in the hit crime series Broadchurch, which is created by Chris Chibnall. Chris is also going to be the new show-runner of Doctor Who’s 11th season.

Peter Capaldi is quite famous amongst the fans, and the followers were dejected when his departure was announced. But Peter came out and told his fans that his leave from the show is on amicable terms with the production team. The legendary show-runner of Doctor Who Reboots Steven Moffat is also going to give all his powers to the Chirs Chibnall as the new show-runner after this season.

Chris Chibnall also the principal writer of the Torchwood series, which is a Doctor Who Spin-off. Apart from this Chibnall has also written some Dr. Who episodes during the era of Russell T. Davies.

Chibnall has already confirmed that he is going break the traditional creative cycle of this series, and one of the major change is that the show will no more be “Episodic” in nature which means, that one whole season will be used for a single story arc. This is in accordance with the current trend of “Binging” the TV shows, which is started because of Netflix!  Chibnall has also stated that he is not taking any advice from the earlier show-runners because he wants to completely re-invent the show in 11th season!

Peter Capaldi will say his final “Good Bye” from the show during Doctor Who’s Christmas special, and Jodie Whittaker will make a history on the same day by becoming the first female Doctor of this epic TV series, which is considered a cultural Phenomenon. 

A lot of fans are disappointed that the gender of Doctor has been changed as these people believe there is no real reason to make the Doctor’s character a female, especially the male fans. Here are some tweets from the fans across the globe reacting to the selection of Jodie Whittaker as the new female Doctor Who.




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