7 Heavy Hitter Actors Are Rumored To Work Together On Thundercats Movie.


The Thundercats live action movie has been postponing for more than 10 years with no real progress in production, but there has always been movement on the rumors. Now the latest grapevine is that some of the A-listers of Hollywood have been approached for a live-action Thundercats and Mortal Kombat movie. This whole project is being kept under wraps by a code word name – “Blitzkrieg.”

This seems to be a good news because at least the Thundercats movie is taking some shape. If we go by the fans, they won’t mind if they get a revamped animated series by Netflix, like the one they are doing with Voltron. Thundercats has a good storyline and if its done right this movie could be a major Blockbuster. Here is the rumored cast for Thundercats movie 2017:-

1. Chris Hemsworth as Lion-O

Chris Hemsworth as Lion-O

2. Mila Jovovich as Cheetara

Mila Jovovich as Cheetara

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1 Comment

  1. This movie has to happen! Look how good the Turtles has turned out! THUNDERCATS is still awesome due to it being well drawn and animated and cleverly produced. I have all four seasons on DVD and have made my own kids ,nephews and nieces watch them and they love it

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