5 Important facts About Rogue One’s Lead Character – Jyn Erso.


Rogue One is the next big event in the movie universe of Star Wars. The creators of Rogue One have already told the fans that do not expect a traditional Star Wars movie; it’s a War Movie in space with the backdrop of Star Wars. Here is some cool information about this epic film that Star Wars will enjoy :-

1) Jyn Erso’s Father Leaked The Information About The Death Star To Rebellion

Felicity Jones plays the character of Jyn Erso, the leading lady of the Star Wars Rogue One. In one of the scenes in the trailer, Captain Cassian Andor (Played by Diego Luna) tells Erso that her Dad, Galen Erso ( Mads Mikkelsen) has leaked the information about Empire testing out Death Star’s super laser. There are not many details provided on what sort of relationship Jyn Erso shares with her father. However, we all know that her father is connected to the Empire may be even without his consent and that’s what drove Jyn to work against the empire.

Mads Mikkelsen teased scenes about the scenes between his character and Jyn’s childhood; this is what he told :-

“I spend a lot of time with [Jones] and she’s a wonderful actress. I play her dad at the time of Felicity and I play her dad when she’s younger, so we jump back and forth in time,”

Now, this means that for the very first time in the history of Star Wars movies, we are going to have real flashback scenes.

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48XWkN0jBQY[/embedyt]

2) Jyn Erso Is Another “Unlikely Hero.”

In the Star Wars movies, all the great endeavors are accomplished by common people – the unlikely hero. Luke was a farm boy, and Han Solo was a petty smuggler, all these characters had humble beginnings, and this trend is again going will be followed in Rogue One as well. According to Felicity Jones:-

“She is absolutely a very unlikely heroine. She’s someone on the edges and fringes of society. Physically, she’s smaller than everyone else around her, but… when someone has something they believe in, that’s what powers them, that’s what motivates them, that’s what can give someone enormous strength.”

However, Jyn is not the only leading lady of the Star Wars universe. We have already seen princess Leia, and Padme kicking butt when the conditions demanded. This movie also has character Mon Mothma (Played by Genevieve O’Reilly), who is like a mother to Jyn Erso. She could be seen as the prime architect of the Rebellion. This is what Felicity Jones told :-

“I would say there’s a huge amount of respect for women in the Rebellion. Mon Mothma is ultimately, for Jyn, someone she looks up to, So even as the film opens [Jyn] has a very strong female role model in front of her, and someone she respects.”


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